Sunday, September 23, 2007

Morning ramblings

I was happily playing with my cats when I realised mum was looking at me weirdly. Her face half serious half joking she said,

"Don't keep cats when you live alone. It's sorta jinx, you won't get married"

"What? I don't care, I'm having cats, planned it so long ago I'm not gonna give up cats for a silly way"

Where did she get that from, beats me. Such a cliche, I'm surprised mum brought up THAT subject. I thought I'll get that kind of talk when i reach 30. Sigh...I am barely 26 yrs old...give me a break.

"Sis will give you a cucu mum, don't worry...heheh. Don't wait for mine"

Maybe I should start toying with the idea of adoption. Probably in another 5 years. Get a cat first, see if it'll survive, then maybe I can get a kid to take care of....or I'll probably just sponsor-a-child. The world have enough stray children and bad relationships, I don't want to add to that.

Enough about that...boring subject. Let's think about what to do with that BASTARD PSYCHO who mercilessly killed sweet Nurin. For me, I'd strip him naked in public and let people stone him, not to death. Get his organs for donation, we don't want to waste that, a lot of people need organs (People...Organ For Life okay!! remember!!) and leave him to rot. At least we can help him do some good although not on his will. He should not pitied, there's ridiculously too much tolerance towards violence nowadays. People create so many excuses for committing murder, rape, sick fetish....a lot of people even pity these monsters. Newsflash: THEY ARE PURE EVIL, THEY ARE NOT ILL!! They are sane, they are aware of committing all those evil deeds. They planned it, they enjoy it, they live for it!!

Man...I can't wait for him to get caught. I'd pay my way to see him and get a big stone and throw at him.

What a thought at 5 am in the morning...I better do my Subuh prayer and go back to bed.

Al-Fatihah to sweet Nurin...may her soul rest in peace. I pray for strength for her parents and family.

Post caffeine

Coffee overdose last night. Came back from coffee at around 11pm. Tossed and turned on the bed until about 1, then I decided to start reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Bought that book last year but didn't get around to reading it. Good book, judging from the first few chapters, I managed to read until chapter 7. Interesting story about Dracula hunting...well that's as far as I got to anyway. Good story to read in the middle of the night when you can't sleep...haha

Had sahur at 3 sumthing, played piano(with headphones on) then showered at 4am. I finally managed to doze off for an hour and woke up at 6.30am. waaarrrghh...why why well...I did have a big cup of coffee last night. Anyway a friend was kind enough to take me out for some fresh air. We went to Bekenu for some local fruits- bought durian, pulasan and dabai..yay!! love it!! Stopped for a while in Beach Bungai for a breather...nice ^_^ I just love being on a beach, the smell and wind will just blow me away to dreamland....Zzzzzzz

Came back home, tired and damn sleepy. I went for a power and half hour of them, which is great!!! Woke up fresh, I went to pasar Ramadhan with my good ol friend who happens to be my good ol neighbour as well. Air tebu...some kuihs...that's it. Mum making something at home, so no need to buy more.

Breaking fast was good, no food overdose, no membazir. which is good.

Hmm..I really need to study. I'm slacking...huhuhu...bad girl. Enough playing around..tomorrow will attempt to study :p

Tomorrow's aim: Be a good girl and study.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Over coffee

It's been almost a year. A year since I last wrote in this blog. So much have changed I don't even know where to start.

It's in the past. Now it's another chapter of my life, new beginning.

I want to cherish life, travel around the world, work hard and be remembered as a good person when I die. No point being worried about things that I can't change and just be happy to be myself.

I had a good time tonight. In a good company just laughing and talking about random things over coffee. Feels good to be carefree once in a while. No stories of pain, sadness, anger, hopelessness...stories of the world.

Things to do before I die:

1. Go for Hajj
2. Bungeejump or skydive
3. Watch aurora
4. Go African Safari
5. Watch sakura falls in Japan
6. Buy a house
7. Send my parents for a nice holiday trip
8. Adopt a child or orang-utan or a dolphin
9. Save a human life
10. Teach something useful to people

So much to do, so little time.